Payments for urban ecosystem services (PUES)
Funding and Financing

PUES is a method to provide financial incentives to a landowner to maintain natural resources that may not have traditional market value. PUES can include funding for the installation, maintenance, or improvement of green infrastructure.
Establish a program to provide PUES to qualifying landowners. A high-level of coordination among stakeholders and various landowners who benefit from the urban ecosystem services may be required. Density, land value, and land tenure determine which PUES projects are feasible.
Considerations for Use
Best fit for high density areas, PUES is a newer approach to funding urban ecosystem management. It can help determine the value of heat risk reduction and mitigation efforts. PUES can be used to assess the public value of urban cooling infrastructure through avoided costs, consumer willingness to pay, and replacement costs of manufactured alternatives.
Cold, Hot/Dry, Hot/Humid, TemperatePolicy Levers:
Funding and FinancingThe allocation of public or philanthropic funding or private financing to implement projects, including risk transfer mechanisms.Trigger Points:
Evaluating or initiating major city infrastructure projectsIncludes projects such as city transit, street or utilities construction / re-construction etc.Planned new developmentIncludes Greenfield or brownfield development or new constructionSubstantial rehabilitationIncludes the re-development or major renovation projects.Intervention Types:
Green/natural InfrastructureSectors:
Economic Development, Parks, Public Works
Target Beneficiaries:
Business owners, Property owners, Renters, ResidentsPhase of Impact:
Risk reduction and mitigationMetrics:
Avoided costs
Intervention Scale:
SiteAuthority and Governance:
City governmentImplementation Timeline:
Short-term (1-2 Years)Implementation Stakeholders:
City government, Private developers, Property owners and managersFunding Sources:
Private investment, Public investmentCapacity to Act:
MediumPublic Good:
MediumGHG Reduction:
N/ACo-benefits (Climate/Environmental):
Preserve biodiversity, Reduce air and water pollutionCo-benefits (Social/Economic):
Build community capacity, Improve human health, Improve the public realm, Increase property values