One Billion People More Resilient
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Policy Solution

Heat resilience demonstration projects

Awareness and Engagement


Leading tours and workshops at interventions with demonstrated success can build support for scaling solutions, generate community enthusiasm, build partnerships, and celebrate accomplishments.


Pilot solutions to demonstrate the impact of interventions and raise awareness about heat issues. Lead community workshops and trainings on the intervention sites.

Considerations for Use

For greatest impact, select pilot neighborhoods that may have high vulnerability to heat and low access to public cooling resources like vegetation and public space.


  • Climate:

    Cold, Hot/Dry, Hot/Humid, Temperate
  • Policy Levers:

    Awareness and EngagementGovernments may design and operate programs with the goal of increasing awareness and engagement among constituents or stakeholder groups about the risks and opportunities of extreme heat.
  • Trigger Points:

    No-regrets actions (low cost/low effort but substantial benefit)Interventions that are relatively low-cost and low effort (in terms of requisite dependencies) but have substantial environmental and/or social benefits.
  • Intervention Types:

  • Sectors:

    Disaster Risk Management, Informal Settlements, Public Health

Case Studies


  • Target Beneficiaries:

    Heat-vulnerable communities, Residents
  • Phase of Impact:

    Risk reduction and mitigation
  • Metrics:

    Number of projects scaled


  • Intervention Scale:

    City, State/Province
  • Authority and Governance:

    City government, State/provincial government
  • Implementation Timeline:

    Medium-term (3-9 Years)
  • Implementation Stakeholders:

    CBOs, City government, Public
  • Funding Sources:

    Grants and philanthropy, Public investment
  • Capacity to Act:

    High, Low, Medium


  • Cost-Benefit:

  • Public Good:

  • GHG Reduction:

  • Co-benefits (Climate/Environmental):

  • Co-benefits (Social/Economic):

    Build community capacity, Build social cohesion, Improve human health