Heat design guidelines

Case Studies
Design guidelines can be applied to capital projects throughout the project development process to complement existing codes and standards and incorporate future climate risk projections. Heat design guidelines will in turn support facilities to withstand projected heat conditions for the end of the facility’s useful life.
Develop heat design guidelines in close coordination with government departments or agencies to ensure the guidelines are integrated into other planning processes and support additional goals. Design guidelines should identify specific actions based on the size of the capital project and level of criticality, which can be based on services provided and importance during an emergency.
Considerations for Use
Heat risk projections may change over time. Given this uncertainty, it is recommended to create guidelines than allow for adaptation and flexibility. For greatest accuracy, update the guidelines over time.
Cold, Hot/Dry, Hot/Humid, TemperatePolicy Levers:
CommitmentGovernments set ambitious goals or targets to guide prioritization and investment.Trigger Points:
City planning processesIncludes city initiatives such as the development of climate action plan, pathway to zero-energy, master plan, transit plan, energy mapping etc.No-regrets actions (low cost/low effort but substantial benefit)Interventions that are relatively low-cost and low effort (in terms of requisite dependencies) but have substantial environmental and/or social benefits.Intervention Types:
Buildings, Economic Development, Parks, Public Works, Transportation
Case Studies
Target Beneficiaries:
Property owners, ResidentsPhase of Impact:
Risk reduction and mitigationMetrics:
Change in cost over life of asset, Decrease in surface temperature
Intervention Scale:
City, District, Region, State/ProvinceAuthority and Governance:
City government, National government, State/provincial governmentImplementation Timeline:
Short-term (1-2 Years)Implementation Stakeholders:
City government, National government, Private developers, State/provincial governmentFunding Sources:
Private investment, Public investmentCapacity to Act:
High, MediumBenefits
LowPublic Good:
LowGHG Reduction:
MediumCo-benefits (Climate/Environmental):
Improve stormwater management, Mitigate risk of drought, Mitigate risk of wildfire, Provide flood protection, Reduce air and water pollution, Reduce greenhouse gas emissionsCo-benefits (Social/Economic):
Improve human health, Improve the public realm, Increase property values, Save on utilities