Policy Solution
Building energy benchmarking

Benchmarking is a tool that allows municipalities to track progress on building energy performance over time as well as make comparisons to surrounding and similar buildings.
Conduct regular energy efficiency audits on buildings and assess overall performance in the geography.
Considerations for Use
Partnerships with utility providers can support data collection. Municipalities typically target larger buildings for reporting requirements.
Cold, Hot/Dry, Hot/Humid, TemperatePolicy Levers:
MandateMandates are government regulations that require stakeholders to meet standards through building codes, ordinances, zoning policies, or other regulatory tools.Trigger Points:
No-regrets actions (low cost/low effort but substantial benefit)Interventions that are relatively low-cost and low effort (in terms of requisite dependencies) but have substantial environmental and/or social benefits.Intervention Types:
Buildings and Built FormSectors:
Buildings, Public Works
Case Studies
Target Beneficiaries:
Property owners, ResidentsPhase of Impact:
Risk reduction and mitigationMetrics:
Energy use by area, building, and use
Intervention Scale:
CityAuthority and Governance:
City governmentImplementation Timeline:
Medium-term (3-9 Years)Implementation Stakeholders:
City government, Industry, Private developers, Property owners and managersFunding Sources:
Public investmentCapacity to Act:
High, MediumBenefits
LowPublic Good:
N/AGHG Reduction:
MediumCo-benefits (Climate/Environmental):
Reduce greenhouse gas emissionsCo-benefits (Social/Economic):